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Premium Membership includes the following benefits:

Don't let your Premium Membership expire, or you'll miss out on:

  • Exclusive access to over 1,620 video demonstrations of patterns in the full bronze, silver and gold levels.
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Missing Videos
Posted by benwf83
7/22/2010  3:07:00 PM
I have basic membership, and have noticed that there are no videos available for steps above bronze in international styles. Do you need gold membership to view these, or are they unavailable for everyone?
Re: Missing Videos
Posted by Waltz123
7/23/2010  10:54:00 PM
We are getting ready to implement a pay-based "Premium" membership a little later this year (hopefully in time for the holiday), but it will not include anything above full bronze level when we begin the program.

The general public has access to beginning bronze, and registered users have access to intermediate bronze. The full bronze level will comprise the majority of the material reserved for premium users.

In January we plan to hold our next film shoot. During this shoot, we will be focusing on improving the existing bronze material by adding complete instruction (man's and lady's parts described in detail and shown both separately and together), as well as demos danced to music. We will also film some basic silver level narrated demo videos, but there will not likely be enough time during that shoot to cover the entire silver level in as much detail as we have for bronze. That will have to be covered in subsequent film shoots.

Ultimately the goal is to cover everything, including syllabus through gold, variations, topics of technique, etc. But we are not a large company with major investment capital; We are a small mom and pop business, building the entire website page by page, day by day, and every addition is paid for directly out of our pockets. The film shoots are extremely expensive, so we can't afford to do them very often. Our hope is that the premium membership program will be successful enough to afford us the ability to pick up the pace.

Wish us luck!

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: Missing Videos
Posted by benwf83
7/24/2010  8:39:00 AM
Good luck! Thanks for the info.
Re: Missing Videos
Posted by Lycaean69
9/14/2010  9:56:00 PM
Kudos to you Jonathan and Melissa Atkinson for starting and maintaining this wonderful dance site!
Long live Ballroomdancers.com!
Needless to say, it takes money to keep this site up and running. That said, I suggest that for them to be able to continue and improve what they are doing, let us all support their planned "Premium Membership Program" because without any doubt, it will be beneficial to us all, dance afficionados and dance lovers, right???
Re: Missing Videos
Posted by csrice
9/19/2010  7:36:00 AM
I ordered one of the video packages over a week ago and still have not received them. I need them now. So, if I don't recieve them soon, I will cancel the order and go another site of videos for sale.

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